Qassem Suleimani’s funeral saw call after call for Iran to take vengeance on the US. But really what can Iran do? In this FRDH podcast, Michael Goldfarb talks with journalist, author and Russia/Iran expert David Patrikarakos about the Islamic Republic’s options.

The long history of Iran-Iraq-US conflict leading to the assassination of Qassem Suleimani in the main battleground of this undeclared war: Iraq.
This FRDH podcast – right in the middle of the news – is a conversation with Iraqi journalist Mina al-Oraibi about Suleimani’s murder and its likely impact on Iraqi society. It is Iraqis who will pay the price.

Does the crushing of Jeremy Corbyn in the UK election hold a lesson for the US in 2020’s election? Must the Dems nominate someone from the center? In this FRDH podcast Michael Goldfarb asks, just what is the center? Is it a fixed point? Must the center always hold

John the Revelator is an African-American hymn and Don the Revelator is the current President of the United States. In the latest edition of Bible Study for Atheists, FRDH host Michael Goldfarb goes on a roundabout journey to explain why Donald Trump is the Revelator of contemporary America and that’s fine with evangelical Christians.

In this BBC programme, originally broadcast in the Archive on 4 slot, FRDH host Michael Goldfarb uses archive sound and historical readings to trace the history of American presidential impeachment. Using interviews with participants in the last two presidential imepachments and historians he explores what it’s like to sit in judgment on a freely elected president and just what are High Crimes and Misdemeanours.
Those who don’t know history are condemned to repeat it – listen to this important history and, please, share widely.

A conversation with historian Tom Holland about his book Dominion about Christianity and the Western mind. This challenging, wide-ranging discussion looks at the early church, Christianity’s many reformations and how it became, in Holland’s view, the greatest hegemonic thought system in the world, influencing people in ways they don’t even know.

A tweet by Donald Trump announcing the withdrawal of American troops assisting the Kurds in northeastern Syria opened the door for a Turkish invasion of the area raising the spectre that ISIS would be reborn in the chaos. In this FRDH podcast Michael Goldfarb speaks with someone from Mosul in Iraq who lived the full horror of ISIS the first time around, the man known on twitter as @mosuleye.

A tweet by Donald Trump announcing the withdrawal of American troops assisting the Kurds in northeastern Syria opened the door for a Turkish invasion of the area raising the spectre that ISIS would be reborn in the chaos. In this FRDH podcast Michael Goldfarb speaks with someone from Mosul in Iraq who lived the full horror of ISIS the first time around, the man known on twitter as @mosuleye.

The right-wing in Anglo America has reached apotheosis with Donald Trump and Boris Johnson in office. The pair represent the end point of Reagan and Thatcher style conservatism. Let’s free up business to make a deal. Now America’s Republicans and Britain’s Conservatives are led by two hucksters trying to sell deals that are incomplete and half baked … but from which they hope to profit. In this 10 minute long podcast Michael Goldfarb looks at the reality of trade dealing and nations being led by two men whose word is most definitely not their bond.

The right-wing in Anglo America has reached apotheosis with Donald Trump and Boris Johnson in office. The pair represent the end point of Reagan and Thatcher style conservatism. Let’s free up business to make a deal. Now America’s Republicans and Britain’s Conservatives are led by two hucksters trying to sell deals that are incomplete and half baked … but from which they hope to profit. In this 10 minute long podcast Michael Goldfarb looks at the reality of trade dealing and nations being led by two men whose word is most definitely not their bond.